WATERLINE Ambassadors Network

The WATERLINE Ambassadors Program is a dynamic initiative to ensure sustainability and wider uptake of WATERLINE. This program aims to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and innovation in the water sector. In this article, we delve into the key aspects of the WATERLINE Ambassadors Program and its impact on water research, education, and entrepreneurship.

What is the WATERLINE Ambassadors Program?

The WATERLINE Ambassadors Program serves as a bridge between water experts, researchers, educators, businesses, entrepreneurs, and practitioners.

Building Critical Mass

By bringing together a diverse network of stakeholders, the program creates a critical mass of expertise and knowledge. This collaborative environment encourages cross-disciplinary interactions and accelerates water-related research and innovation.

Capacity Building

The program focuses on capacity building across three crucial areas:


Developing a digital water curriculum component to enhance water-related education.

Research and Innovation (R&I)

Equipping participants with the skills needed for cutting-edge research and innovation


Empowering entrepreneurs to drive water-related solutions

Businesses and practitioners

Building innovation capacity and digital competency

Sustainability and Alliances

The WATERLINE Ambassadors Program sustains its impact by
o Establishing ambassador networks that facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration.
o Identifying funding opportunities within the R&I landscape.
o Creating synergies with EU initiatives, institutions, projects, and networks.

Key Activities

Capacity Building

Capacity Building

The WATERLINE Ambassadors Program actively contributes to capacity building through:

  • Digital Water Curriculum: Developing a comprehensive curriculum to educate the next generation of water professionals.
  • Compendium of Capacity Building Output: A repository of resources, best practices, and success stories.

Technology Transformation

Technology Transformation

To drive technological advancements, the program focuses on:

  • WATERLINE Website:A central hub for information, updates, and resources related to water research and innovation.
  • Common Workspace for Technology Developments:A collaborative platform for sharing ideas and solutions, knowledge exchange, and skills development.
  • Technical and User Documentation: Ensuring transparency and accessibility for all stakeholders.

Facilitating Sustainability

Facilitating Sustainability

The program actively contributes to sustainability by:

  • R&I Funding Landscape Analysis: Identifying funding opportunities for water-related projects.
  • Policy Exploitation Guideline Recommendations: Guiding participants on leveraging policies and regulations.
  • WATERLINE Ambassadors Network: A vibrant community of water enthusiasts, researchers, and advocates.

Want to join WATERLINE Ambassadors Network?

The WATERLINE Ambassadors Program embodies the spirit of collaboration, knowledge dissemination, and sustainable impact. As water challenges continue to evolve, these ambassadors play a pivotal role in shaping a resilient and innovative water future for Europe.

Are you interested to play a role in the ambassador program? Do not hesitate to contact us!

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