WATERLINE Summer School 2024 (Part 5)
πThe Summer School of the WATERLINE project started on 21 June and will take place at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences until 5 July 2024ππ.
Zakhar explained what we are going to do next week with the students, there will be two days, Monday 1 July and Tuesday 2 July from 13:00 to 15:00, when we will meet with the students assigned to each group to explain the topic of the presentation they will give on Thursday 4 July: presentation by Agnieszka Katarzyna Cuprys entitled "PharmaBuster: monitoring the lifecycle of pharmaceuticals in the environment using a serious game".
After some interesting presentations by Harsha Ratnaweera in the morning, entitled "Water management in changing conditions: impact on water supply and wastewater treatment", focusing on changes in precipitation patterns and temperature, and "General challenges in water management in cold climate", focusing on water and wastewater management in extremely cold climates (e.g. the Arctic). In the afternoon, we will explain the topics of the Water Industry 4.0 project to the students so that they can give a presentation on their chosen topic.
In the morning Saravanamuthu Vigneswaran (University of Technology Sydney, UTS) gives some lectures: "Impacts of Management of Water Supply", an interesting lecture about changes in rainfall over the year and water quality, introducing microfiltration, ultrafiltration and nanofiltration of membrane technology for clarification and disinfection of water; "Impacts of Management of Wastewater: Centralised System", about activated sludge treatment plant and membrane bioreactors, using hollow fibre membranes and flat sheet membranes.
We also attended the lecture "Impact of management of wastewater: decentralised system" by Arve Heistad (Department of Building and Environmental Technology, NMBU) about river and lake water quality, eutrophication (a degenerative process of sea water due to excessive inputs of substances carried by rivers and coastal settlements) and wastewater treatment by infiltration systems and sand filters.
In the afternoon, we worked in groups on the "Water Industry 4.0" project, helping the students to adapt the presentation to the chosen topics.