WATERLINE Summer School 2024 (Part 4)
🏁The Summer School of the WATERLINE project started on 21 June and will take place at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences until 5 July 2024🏁🌊.
26 June 2024
Summer school took place in NMBU's VR Lab arena where the potentials and complications associated with the use of VR and 3D visualizations are explored.
An introduction by Prof. Ramzi Hassan (NMBU) on VR workflows, research, and projects, was followed by speeches from two researchers who showed some of the steps involved in designing VR visualizable environments, and ended with an immersive experience using visors.
In the afternoon, Håkon Sverdvik discussed about 3D models created with VR and, online, Marie Dahlén (Assistant Professor BA 3D Graphics, Kristiania Universily College) gave a presentation entitled "a Breakdown of VR Development for people who are not developers (YET!), in which she not only presented her interesting experience but provided valuable information concerning the world of developers.
27 June 2024
After an interesting lecture on 'Data-driven water quality monitoring and process control' by Harsha Ratnaweera (professor at NMBU and president and technical director of DOSCON) and one on 'Using graph theory for new AI/ML capabilities with utility network data' by Marco Westergren (Chief Analytics Officer at InfoTiles), in the afternoon we visited the National Water Infrastructure Centre, of which Sjur Tveite is general manager.
The centre has a close collaboration with NMBU, responds to the general need for expertise in water and sewerage management and to train a new generation of managers, builders and operators.