WATERLINE Summer School 2024 (Part 7)

🏁The Summer School of the WATERLINE project started on 21 June and will take place at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences until 5 July 2024🏁🌊.


In the morning we attended the lecture of Pierre Berube, about a “Eagle Lake Tour”, a 3D tour of West Vancouver Eagle lake and all the facilities and equipment around. Next, Prof. Roland Kallenborn (NMBU & UNIS) presented “Arctic environmental Pollutants – An overview”, an interesting lecture about some pollutants element present in northern regions, like persistent organic pollutants (POPs), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) and Pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs).

In the afternoon the students showed their project presentations about “Water Industry 4.0”.


Last day of Summer School. After an interesting lecture by Prof. Abbas Roozbahani (NMBU), called “Climate Change Impacts on Water/Wastewater Transport System”, about urban climate risk, the effects on wastewater infrastructure and the adaptation strategies and itigation method to reduce the impact of climate change. Next, Prof. Harsha Ratnaweera (NMBU) present a lecture called “Climate Change impacts on water services and utilities” about the impacts on water and wastewater treatment.
