🌊 Exciting New Connections for Future Collaboration! 🌊

On May 29th, the Waterline Project hosted an engaging online networking event “Sparking Ideas for Collaborative Projects” bringing together 18 different projects focused on water innovation, digitalisation and AI in education and learning, and sustainability. Amongst others, we engaged with @MED-WET, @Skills4water; @iMERMAID, and @STAR projects. It was a fantastic opportunity to share ideas, discuss challenges, and explore new avenues for collaboration. We created mind maps that helped to identify and visualized links between research interests and ongoing projects. We’ll use these to forge future cooperation and projects.

There will be exciting possibilities to engage in follow-up activities linking to the Widera NCP network project NCPWIDERA.NET Together, we are making strides toward a sustainable future for our water resources.

Stay tuned for more updates on the exciting initiatives and outcomes from these collaborative efforts!
