๐Ÿš€ WATERLINE: Driving Innovation in Digital Water Education ๐Ÿš€

The WATERLINE project is on a mission to revolutionise water-related education and research across Europe. By fostering a European Digital Water Higher Education Institution (HEI) Alliance, we're building robust research, educational, and entrepreneurial capacities.

Our recent expert visits to the University of Niลก in Serbia and MCAST in Malta were a testament to this mission. Through Train the Trainers workshops, we explored cutting-edge VR and Assisted Reality technologies, collaborative strategies, and innovative educational frameworks.
These sessions have enhanced our R&I capacities and knowledge exchange, strengthened partnerships and governance frameworks, and spearheaded innovative curriculum development for the future of water education. Stay tuned as we continue to make waves in the world of digital water innovation! ๐Ÿ’ง๐ŸŒ