🌟 Researcher Spotlight: Giacomo Falcone 🌟

Giacomo Falcone is Tenure-Track Assistant Professor on Agricultural and Food Economics and Rural Appraisal at the Department of Agriculture of the Università degli Studi 'Mediterranea'​ di Reggio Calabria (UNIRC). He obtained his Ph.D. in Rural Economics and Appraisal in 2013 and his research activity has focused on the assessment of environmental, economic and social sustainability of agri-food and agro-industrial production processes through the integrated use of life-cycle tools. He has participated in numerous research projects and is currently the coordinator of the Agro-Food and Agro-Industrial Working Group of the Italian LCA Network Association.


💧 Giacomo Falcone’s Role in Waterline 💧

In the WATERLINE project, Giacomo is part of the UNIRC team responsible for the implementation of an e-learning course on LCA methodology and water footprint assessment as part of Task 3.2 of WP 3. Its experience in the application of life cycle tools will contribute to enhancing knowledge on the assessment of environmental impacts and water consumption. Giacomo is part of the WATERLINE Editorial Board and is personally responsible for managing the social channels and supporting all project partners in sharing their content.