Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU)
ACEEU is the only globally-operating quality assurance body with a focus on acknowledging engagement and entrepreneurship in Higher Education. As such, ACEEU strives to lead the way in a new era for higher education through evaluating, supporting and igniting the potential of HEIs on their road to third mission excellence.
Headquartered in Germany, ACEEU offers accreditation for entrepreneurship and (community) engagement on institutional (entire university) and divisional level (faculty, school, department). Universities engaging in ACEEU accreditation are united by their excellence in entrepreneurship and engagement, no matter if top 1% world university, or less known regionally-oriented institution.
Key people

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kliewe
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At ACEEU, I provide leadership to the Council and the ACEEU Office alike. Holding positions in academia and practice, I am aiming at bringing the latest knowledge to ACEEU to ensure that ACEEU's impact vision is achieved through innovation and collaboration.